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Red City High School Meets Blue City High School Online

Engaging Diversity in a Collaborative Inquiry with Students Abstract Forty students, twenty from suburban Spokane and twenty from suburban Philadelphia came together to reflect on how their views of themselves and each other shifted as a result of the relationships they developed during an online forum, an extracurricular activity for their high school advanced placement

The Unwritten Rules of Civility

‘Getting along’ in the workplace sometimes requires more than merely following the Golden Rule.

Generations Working Together

Make the most of your multi-generational workforce by understanding employees’ unique strengths and how to nurture them.

Engaging Diversity: Disorienting Dilemmas That Transform Relationships

Ilene C. Wasserman, PhD and Placida Gallegos, PhD Abstract The diverse workforce offers opportunities for us to challenge our everyday assumptions and reflexive responses to our social worlds. New skills and tools for making sense of our experiences are critically important. Our paper introduces the REAL Model that helps organizations manage and leverage differences in

Dancing with Resistance

Leadership Challenges In Fostering A Culture Of Inclusion. Diversity Resistance in Organizations, Kecia M. Thomas ed. Wasserman, Ilene C., Gallegos, Placida V., and Ferdman Bernardo » download publication PDF file

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