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Embracing Authenticity for Inclusive Leadership

What is your “word of the year?” Merriam-Webster recently announced theirs: authentic. In their announcement, Merriam-Webster unpacked their choice and its importance… “Authentic saw a substantial increase in 2023, driven by stories and conversations about AI, celebrity culture, identity, and social media…Although clearly a desirable quality, authentic is hard to define and subject to debate—two reasons it sends

The Role of Research in DEI Work

ICW is grateful to the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia, for inviting us to write for their blog! Read this brief post to explore the important role of research in DEI efforts.

When Does a Critical Moment Become an Inflection Point?

One significant way we make sense of our worlds is through the structure of stories. And our stories are understood through our frames of reference from family, community, and history. These stories influence what we hear and what we don’t hear, what we tell or don’t tell, and what we chose to edit. Stories are


What Might we Learn From Primary Discourse Instead of Primary Debates?

Like many of my peers, I struggled to watch the latest Democratic debate. I admire each of the remaining candidates, but watching them constantly interrupt each other only to share nearly identical visions for the future provides little context to effectively evaluate each candidate’s potential to govern. As an organizational consultant who coaches leaders around


Thanksgiving Reflections

This Thanksgiving, I find myself thinking about how we can create a table (literally and figuratively) where we can have the ideas and commitments we feel strongly about, and yet stay connected to each other.  How can we set the table that holds a shared commitment to curiosity and inquiry – together — to understand

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