Coaching in the Global Context

The day after the 2016 Presidential election, I was scheduled to present a workshop for the ICF Cultural Competency in Coaching Community of Practice monthly meeting. The title of my webinar was …

“A Dynamic Communication Approach to Coaching in the Global Context”

As it turned out, the webinar was an opportunity to engage with people across the globe on a timely topic: how do you engage in meaningful conversations with others whose values and commitments differ from your own – be they situations your clients may be wrestling with or differences you may encounter with your clients.

I am sharing the webinar with you here and welcome your comments!

A Dynamic Communication Approach to Coaching in the Global Context

The ICF Global Communities of Practice (CPs) are virtual groups of coaches interested in a specific topic area. These communities are designed to provide a platform for sharing best practices, emerging trends, tools and tips among ICF Members to advance their professional development.

The ICF Global Communities of Practice (CPs)

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