
This text briefly introduces the content in the page.

Coaching in the Global Context

A Dynamic Communication Approach to Coaching in the Global Context … The morning we woke up to the news that Donald Trump was elected the next president of the United States, I was scheduled to present a workshop for the ICF Cultural Competency in Coaching Community of Practice monthly meeting. The title of my webinar

Group Work and Dialogue – NCORE May 31, 2012

Ilene, Placida Gallegos and Steve Schapiro recently presented “Group Work for Racial Justice: Transforming Self, Group & Systems” at the NCORE conference in May. If you are interested in viewing the presentation or the book chapter they co-wrote on the same subject, please email to be added to the Dropbox folder. The files are

Academy of Management 2011

Experiencing Artful Collaboration – Women of Color Integrating Cultural Learning Ilene Wasserman and Placida Gallegos Using Individual Assessments to Explore Difference and Develop Skills: An Interactive Workshop Jeanie M. Forray, Western New England College, Kathy Lund Dean, Idaho State University Ilene C. Wasserman, ICW Consulting Group

Academy of Management 2010

Session Title: Leading with Compassion? A Question of Development in Changing Organizations

Appreciative Inquiry for Organizational and Community Transformation

Theory, Practice and Application. April 5 — 6, 2005 in Philadelphia, PA. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as a powerful process for igniting transformative change within organizations and communities. Attention will be given to innovative applications of AI to create sustainable results. Additionally, this workshop will highlight requisite competencies,

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